So named because of its unparalleled amenities and ensuing memories created, various Extraordinary Experiences can be found at The Boca Raton, including aboard the majestic Relentless, a beautiful vessel that was recently enhanced with Club Members and guests in mind. Originally designed as a lobster boat, today the 42-foot Wesmac has been given five-star treatment with luxurious finishes, high-end detailing, and state-of-the-art engines and thrusters that encourage a smooth ride.
With the beautiful winter air enveloping us and calm waters ahead, my family and I took an excursion on Relentless toward Hillsboro Lighthouse and then across Lake Boca Raton. With his first step on board the Wesmac, my 4-year-old son already felt like the ship’s captain (apologies to the real commander of the vessel, Capt. Mollie). It’s true: When you are on a ship as luxurious as Relentless, you do feel different. A sense of well-being and adventure overtakes you (and in this case, your preschool body), and it’s only smooth sailing from there.